Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dreams for 2011

As I reflect back on 2010 I am thankful for time with my family, a job that challenges me and the difficult, yet valuable, lessons I learned about myself.  I made some impulsive choices and some good ones, each one providing wisdom that I can access as I move forward in life.  The year was far from dull, yet I feel that I did not savor the juicy-ness of the rich experiences I was afforded.  Therefore 2011 will be a year to appreciate the flavor of life and to notice the delicate aspects that I so often take for granted... that is my Simple Abundance Journey.

The first activity is to dream of the year ahead.  My dreams are:
  1. Enjoy deep meaningful relationships with myself and others.  I often make a connection with someone and then do not nurture it.  It is the year to appreciate, tend and deepen the relationships in my life.
  2. Create "white space" in my life.  Boy do I like to be busy!  If I have even a small amount of white space on my calendar or in my head, I fill it up.  I wonder why the silence scares me?  This is the year to dig in to my heart and soul to figure it out.  This frantic pace is not serving me and I am missing out on the insights that come from "just being".  
  3. Find financial peace.  Money has always been a tough one for me.  Growing up in poverty created a sense that I need to use it all up today because the money (or anything else) may not be there tomorrow. What I realize is that there is no peace in that way of living.  It also impacts my ability to appreciate what I have when I am constantly picking up something new.  This year my goal is to become debt free, which will give me greater freedom in life.
  4. Maximize my health.  I am so proud of the fact that I converted to a vegan eating style in 2010.  My body looks and feels better now that it has in years.  It was fun to explore new foods, try new recipes and learn about a completely new way of eating.  To build on this momentum, I am committed to getting in shape by integrating physical fitness into my life on a daily basis.  I am thankful for my body and I need to keep it tuned up so that it can carry me into the future.

This year will provide many lessons and I am eager student who is willing to learn.  It may get tough, but all important dreams require work.